EU fondEU fond

Potpora iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Fresh pasta
Mixes and concentrates for bakeries
ECO Lider invest za 2020. - Naše klasje



Priznanje ECO Lider invest za 2020.

Tvrtka Naše klasje dobila je priznanje ECO Lider invest za 2020. godinu za investiciju koja je najviše pridonijela održivom razvoju i kvaliteti života građana te zaštiti prostora i okoliša.



Zastupljenost žena na rukovodećim pozicijama tvrtke Naše klasje

Ravnopravnost spolova za tvrtku Naše klasje neizostavan je dio kulture poduzeća. Potičemo povećanje udjela žena na voditeljskim pozicijama kao i žensko poduzetništvo. U suvlasničkoj strukturi Našeg klasja je i gđa. Marina Šimunić, na poziciji voditeljice informatike.

Fresh pasta factory Naše klasje

About Naše Klasje

The company was established in 2001. Our journey began as a greenfield investment project aiming to get us to development, marketing and introduction of innovative products to the market. This project of ours grew to two factories - one producing fresh pasta and the other taking care of ingredients for baking products

Our philosophy

When we take the food in our bodies, we reach the most delicate and precious form of interaction of Man and his Environment.
We acknowledge the superiority of nature over man and we learn and work for better understanding of their relationship.
To live means to creatively work on becoming one with the surrounding space and time.
The history of mankind is nothing but human effort to achieve balance between health and happiness.